anyone be saved?
don't have to wait till your life is all together before you get right
with God. You do not have to clean up your act first! Jesus loves
you right where you are. He's the only one who can affect real change
in your life, because real change only comes from the inside out.
Our attempts at making ourselves better are made with our own self
control. Without the Lord's power the changes may not last, and the
bottom line is that we cannot get into heaven by ourself...we need
make the mistake of thinking that you are too evil for God to forgive.
The Bible says that "when we repent, He is faithful and just to forgive,
and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. If you are truly repentant,
there is nothing that cannot be forgiven. Jesus loves YOU, no matter
what your past.
think that if you become a Christian, that you won't have fun anymore.
Hollywood, TV, books etc., have in general painted Christianity to be
something for a bunch of losers..dried up prunes of people who have
lost their zest for life. Not true. God will change your mind about
what you think is fun, but true Christians have real joy in their lives
and really know what real fun is. I'm glad the days of 'partying down'
and 'having fun' without remembering 'what happened to me' because 'I
was passed out' are over. What kind of fun is that?
a Christian - Getting Saved
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the most important decision
you can make in your life! All you need to do is pray and believe
a simple prayer like the one in red below...
(note...there is not an official "sinner's prayer" that you must find
and pray) You can click here to hear the
prayer in mp3 format and repeat after me if you like.
Jesus, I need You in my life. I believe You are the Son of God and that
You died on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins and
cleanse my heart. Renew my spirit so that I can hear Your voice. I accept
You as my Savior! I love you Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen!
you sincerely prayed that prayer you can rest assured that you are now
a child of God! As a new Christian the devil will probably try to come
against you. The Good News is you have the power of Jesus Christ within
you to defeat the tricks of satan! Seek the Lord and He will give you
is important to find a good, Bible believing church where you can worship
God and find support with other Christians. Hook up with a Christian
friend who can have Bible studies with you.
to the Lord daily and stay in constant communion with Him. Talk to God
like you talk with other people. You don't need to pray like a preacher,
just be yourself and talk to Him daily. Confess your sins to Him and
ask Him to help you in your new Christian walk.
salvation is a free gift that the Lord has given you. Make Jesus Christ
the Lord of your life by seeking His will and serving Him. Don't let
the cares of this world or Church stuff have the priority over a personal
relationship with Jesus. The number one goal is to have a close and
sincere relationship with the Lord.
your salvation is involved, you are relying on God's Word - and God
doesn't lie. He has said that if you believe in your heart and confess
with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. You don't base
your salvation on the way you feel. You base it on the pure, unadulterated
Word of Almighty God. God's Word is the only evidence you have that
you are saved, but that is all the evidence you need! Several
days or weeks from now, you may not feel very saved. You may begin to
wonder if you were ever really saved to start with. You will have doubts
- Satan will see to that! But when those thoughts and feelings come,
just go back to the Word of God. You will see that it still says the
same thing. God never changes and His Word never changes. It is still
just as true today as when it was first spoken. People may try to convince
you that it didn't work. Temptations may come to convince you that it
didn't work. Doubts will come to your mind. But all those things do
not alter the fact that God's Word is true!
on the four small black dots in the center of the picture for
about 30 seconds.
Then close your eyes and tilt your head back. Keep them closed.
You will see a circle of light. Continue looking at the circle.
What do you see???

